Wait Pet DMCA Copyright Infringement Policy
At WaitPet.com, we take intellectual property rights very seriously. Our policy adheres to the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) and other relevant intellectual property laws. We are dedicated to responding promptly to claims of copyright infringement.
Notice of Alleged Infringement (Notice and Takedown Procedure)
WaitPet.com complies with 17 U.S.C. § 512 and the DMCA. If you believe that your copyrighted material has been posted on WaitPet.com or is accessible through links provided by our site, and you wish for this material to be removed, you are required to provide a formal written communication containing the following details:
Sending Your Notice:
Submit the written infringement notice with the subject line “DMCA Complaint” to the following email address: [email protected]
Processing Your Notice:
Please allow us up to one week to process your notification. We aim to address your concerns promptly and will respond to your notice as soon as we can.
WaitPet.com’s Commitment:
We respect the intellectual property of others and we ask our users to do the same. WaitPet.com will, in appropriate circumstances, take action against users on our platform who infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others.